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February 22 2020
Ways To Help Your Salon Be Sustainable

While SalonCloudsPlus can help you with your digital marketing, SEO, website content, mobile apps, and more, one thing you will have to do as a salon is to make sure that you are doing all you can do to improve the sustainability of your salon.

Many consumers are becoming more aware of which companies they do business with, including salon & spas, that are making the effort to become green. As a salon owner, it can be overwhelming knowing where to start, what things require an initial investment, and what things will make the biggest impact.

The important thing to remember is that doing something is better than not doing anything at all. Easy, small changes will help the environment, reduce your overhead, and help the bottom line. The name of the game is: REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE.

Only use electricity when needed. Make a closing checklist to turn off all computers, printers, copy machines, coffee machines, etc., each night before the last person leaves. Motion-sensor lighting may be a good investment for restrooms, break rooms, massage rooms, and other areas with less foot traffic. If it’s feasible, ask your stylists to turn off curling irons, flat irons, lights, and hood dryers when not in use. Your local electric company may have a renewable electricity program that gives you the option to purchase renewable energy instead of nonrenewable electricity.

Invest in LED bulbs. Replacing your incandescent bulbs and investing in energy-efficient bulbs not only uses 66% less energy, but LED bulbs also last longer and will reduce your overall electricity bill. This is one of those things that is a bit of an investment upfront but will pay off in the long run.

Practice climate control responsibly. You can save as much as 10% a year on cooling and heating bills just by lowering your salon thermostat by 7 to 10 degrees. Installing ceiling fans is a great way to get fresh air circulating in the salon while helping your air conditioning system work more efficiently. If the front of your salon faces the direct sun, tinted windows can help block the UV rays and keep your salon cooler.

Be Aware of Your Water Usage. Every wash cycle uses anywhere between 32 to 60 gallons of water. If you can, make sure you have a full load to launder to help save water. Another great way to reduce carbon emissions by tons each year is to switch to cold water in your washing machine. As a salon owner, take a look at your hot-water heater. It may be a good time to replace it with an instant hot-water system. It’s a great energy-saving option and it will provide your salon with an endless supply of hot water when you need it. Some quick and easy ways to be green are to fix any leaky faucets – even a slow drip can be waste up to 300 gallons of water a month!

Update your salon with “green” options. These are all options that don’t have to cost you a lot but can make a big impact. Add some nice potted plants to produce oxygen, helping to balance out carbon dioxide emissions. Replace old towels with more absorbent microfiber towels. You will need less per client because of their absorbency and you’ll save energy with shorter drying times. By changing to environmentally friendly cleaning products, you are being less harmful to the environment and it’s safer for your staff and clients. Lastly, think about getting rid of those wasteful disposable cups and instead, up your game – and your clients’ experience – with cool glasses or even china!

Don’t forget to recycle. Recycling does take some commitment on the part of you and your staff but it’s so worth it. Place recycling trashcans next to your regular trashcans. Switch your business cards, stationary, and retail product bags to 100% post-consumer recycled paper. Even just asking your clients if they need a bag with their purchase can help! Some like to just slip the product in their purse for convenience. If you’re renovating or updating your equipment, recycle your old clippers, styling tools, computers, printers, and other electronics. Want to take it a step further? Hair can be recycled to make hair mats that are used for contaminated storm drains and oil spills. Visit MatterOfTrust to learn more.

Have some fun being green. Encourage your staff to carpool if they can. If the weather is nice, encourage them to ride their bike or walk to work if you live in a city that lends itself to biking and walking. Let your clients know when staff will be participating as a team to be greener. Be proud of how your team as a whole is reducing emissions.

Being a successful salon is making sure you are covering all aspects of how to make your business better. If you don’t know where to start, need help with digital marketing, or need to content written and graphics developed, give SalonCloudsPlus a call today at (888) 909-1051, email us at, or connect with us using our online form.  SalonCloudsPlus can help jumpstart your business through innovative solutions.

Published by: Admin

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