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Salon & Spa Marketing

April 23 2024
Celebrating Success: Webappclouds LLC Wins Massage Envy's Vendor of the Year Award
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When building your website, basic search engine optimization (SEO) is essential. It will help your website be properly positioned by those searching for your services and will help in the buying process.
The goal is to build your website so that it’s pleasing to both your visitors as well as Bing, Google, and other search engines. SEO is critical to help your website be a profitable one.
What’s the Goal of SEO? The purpose of SEO is a create an easy user experience and to communicate to the search engines that you are a relevant business to perform in their top organic searches.
What are Search Engines Looking for? In order for your website to be ranked high in organic searches, search engines look at a lot and they continue to review your site constantly. Just a few things are:
**The relevancy of content with effective meta descriptions and title tags; **How good the content is on your site and if it’s good enough content to link or if other authoritative sites use your website as a reference; **How the over site looks, how easy it is to navigate, and if it looks credible; **That your website doesn’t practice keyword stuffing, post too many ads, or have a high bounce rate.
Optimize for Multiple Channels Keyword strategy in the name of the game in both implementing on-site and other off-site platforms. You should always be thinking of multi-channel optimization with platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Email and other digital marketing. When you use consistent keywords, it will help you in your branding efforts and will train users to use specific phrases that you are trying to optimize.
Optimize for Different Types of Results Not a lot of people are using desktop anymore. The majority of searchers and online buyers are now using mobile and tablet for their online experience. Creating rich content such as videos and non-text content help your website get ranked higher as search engines can crawl that content and give your website credit for it.
Don’t get lost in the SEO maze of best practices and the ever-changing ways to optimize your website. At SalonCloudsPlus, we can help you build a custom website that will rank high in the organic search with all the top search engines. Need a new mobile-friendly website or haven’t seen the app in action? Email us for a free demo of the system at or check out the website at
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