Hello, I am Diane
Let me take a moment to introduce myself…. My name is Diane, I am one of the massage therapists here at Platinum. Not only does Massage Therapy help me find my inner peace, I am able to to help everyone that I meet… When clients leave my treatment room with a smile, I know I have helped them to the best of my ability. Providing
Wellness since: 2016 Education: Massage
Therapy: Chicago, IL Certifications: Licensed
Massage Therapist in the state of Illinois, 2016 Services
Offered: Some services I offer are MFR’s (myofascial release), Gua-Sha, trigger point tension, reflexology, aromatherapy massages, hot stone massages, stretching (PNF), energy work, and face & scalp massage. Fun
Facts: I am very artistic. I love to draw and paint. I
also play bass guitar and love to sing! I have also worked in a physical
therapist’s office previously. Specialties: My specialties include a myofascial release
(MFR), Gua-Sha, reflexology, energy work, and a face & scalp massage. My
Proudest Memory: Over the course of 6 weeks, helped a client
with scoliosis increase her range of motion and increase her quality of life.
It was certainly tough at times… but to see the end result was worth it. Massage helps me find my inner peace, and
that’s why I chose to be a massage therapist.
My Hours
- TUE 04:00 PM - 09:00 PM
- THU 04:00 PM - 09:00 PM
- SAT 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM